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Default Values for New Projects Created

Language for text displayed within project
If you wish to translate the English text in REDCap into a new language and create a new language file, you may go to the Language File Creator/Updater page and follow the instructions. To download any already translated language files in order to utilize them in REDCap, visit the REDCap Community Language Library.

Language files are located on the server at /var/www/html/redcap/languages/
Character encoding for exported files
Used for PDFs and CSV export files in the project
If not explicity using a language listed in the drop-down above, then use the Default Encoding option.
Display the custom logo and institution name at the top of every page for project?
Display the Today/Now button for all date and time fields on forms/surveys?
If enabled, a 'Today' button will be displayed to the right of all date fields, and a 'Now' button will be displayed to the right of all time, datetime, and datetime_seconds fields. Clicking the button will automatically set the field's value with the current date or time.
Enable the File Version History for 'File Upload' fields?
This setting can be enabled/disabled in the Additional Customizations popup on the Project Setup page for any given project.