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File Upload Settings

The settings below pertain to files uploaded by users in several different modules in REDCap. Please note that ALL uploaded files are stored on your local REDCap web server (or an external server, if not using 'Local' setting).

File Storage Methods

STORAGE LOCATION OF UPLOADED FILES: You may choose to store the files uploaded in REDCap in a local directory on your web server or on a separate server.
If using a separate server for storage via WebDAV, you must set up the configuration in /webtools2/webdav/
NOTE: The 'Local' option may also include a directory on a separate server (e.g., NFS, NAS) that is mapped as a local directory on your REDCap web server.

Storage Configuration Settings

Local Server File Storage

SET LOCAL FILE STORAGE LOCATION: If using 'Local' storage option, you may set an alternative location for storage of uploaded files (otherwise it will default to 'edocs' folder). For security reasons, it is recommended that you set this to a folder that is not accessible over the web.
If blank, then the following default path is used: /var/www/html/redcap/edocs/
Example: /var/www/html/redcap/my_file_repository/
Organize the stored files into subfolders by REDCap project ID?
This setting will not affect existing projects but will be applied in the future to new projects individually at the time of their creation.
NOTE: This setting also applies when using Google Cloud Storage for Google App Engine hosting below.
NOTE: When enabled, if REDCap is unable (due to a directory permissions issue, etc.) to create a project-level subfolder when a new project is created, it will instead default to storing all project files in the main Local File Storage directory (specified above) for that project.

Google Cloud Storage (for Google App Engine hosting only)

GOOGLE CLOUD STORAGE SETTINGS: If REDCap is hosted on Google Cloud Platform, you must use the Google Cloud Storage option for storing files. Provide the names of two buckets in GCS (one to serve as a temporary file storage, and the other for permanent storage of REDCap files).
Bucket for storing REDCap files:
Bucket for storing temporary files (must be different than bucket above):
NOTE: The 'Organize the stored files into subfolders by REDCap project ID?' setting above for Local Storage also applies here to Google Cloud Storage for Google App Engine hosting.

Amazon S3

AMAZON S3 STORAGE SETTINGS: If using 'Amazon S3' as your storage option, set the values for your AWS access key, secret key, and the name of the 'bucket' where all REDCap files should be stored in S3.
AWS Access Key:
AWS Secret Key:
Show secret key
AWS Region / Location Constraint:
This must be the Region/Location Constraint (e.g., ap-northeast-2) and NOT the Endpoint URL. If left blank, then us-east-1 will be used by default. For the list of AWS regions/location constraints, see the following: S3 Regions
S3 Custom Endpoint (optional):
If you wish to use the default AWS S3 endpoint, leave this textbox blank.

Google Cloud Storage using API Service Account

GOOGLE CLOUD STORAGE API SETTINGS: If using 'Google Cloud Storage' as your storage option, set the values for your account ID, secret key, and the name of the 'bucket' where all REDCap files should be stored.
Setup Instructions
Google Cloud Platform project ID
Bucket name
Organize the stored files into subfolders by REDCap project ID?

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

AZURE BLOB STORAGE SETTINGS: If using 'Microsoft Azure Blob Storage' as your storage option, set the values for your storage account name, storage account key, and the name of the 'container' where all REDCap files should be stored in Azure Blob Storage.
Setup Instructions
Azure storage account name:
Azure storage account key:
Show secret key
Azure storage blob container:

Configuration Options for Various Types of Stored Files

File Repository

ENABLE FILE UPLOADING FOR THE FILE REPOSITORY MODULE: Allows users to upload files into the File Repository.
If disabled, all data export files will still be stored in the File Repository. This setting only affects the ability for users to manually upload files to that location.
File Repository upload max file size
If blank, then uses server default (2 MB)
Manually set the maximum file size (in MB) for files uploaded by users in the File Repository? How do I change my server default of 2 MB?
File Repository: File storage limit (in MB) for all projects MB
To disable the storage limit, set value as blank or '0'.
Set the maximum total file space that can be utilized within each project's File Repository (including only User Files - i.e., excluding Data Export files, eConsent PDFs, etc.). This setting will be applied to all projects. Note: This value can be overridden for specific projects on a project's 'Edit Project Settings' page.
File Repository: Users are able to share files via public links
If enabled, users will be able to share files in the File Repository with others by generating a public link that is unique to the file. Anyone in possession of the link will be able to access and download the file at any time.

'File Upload' Fields

ENABLE 'FILE UPLOAD' FIELD TYPES: Enable document uploading for individual project records on forms/surveys?
If disabled, this choice will not appear as an available field type for users to utilize. Any 'File Upload' fields already created before being disabled will no longer be functional when viewed on forms/surveys.
Upload max file size for 'file' field types on forms/surveys
If blank, then uses server default (2 MB)
Manually set the maximum file size (in MB) for files uploaded by users for Edoc files? How do I change my server default of 2 MB?


ENABLE SEND-IT: Enable the 'Send-It' application, which allows users to upload and send non-project files, as well as to send files uploaded into a project's File Repository or data entry pages (via 'File Upload' field types)?
All files uploaded for Send-It will be deleted from the server at the time of expiration.
Send-It upload max file size
If blank, then uses server default (2 MB)
Manually set the maximum file size (in MB) for files uploaded by users for Send-It? How do I change my server default of 2 MB?

File Attachments (General)

Upload max file size for general file attachments.
(Includes the following: attachments for Descriptive fields, attachments uploaded for Data Resolution Workflow)
If blank, then uses server default (2 MB)
Manually set the maximum file size (in MB) for files uploaded by users in the File Repository? How do I change my server default of 2 MB?
Allow file attachments to be uploaded for data queries in the Data Resolution Workflow?
If disabled, this will not appear as an available option for users to utilize for an open data query in DRW.