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The table below is an enhanced version of MySQL's process list that displays a comprehensive view of real-time server activity for REDCap. This page can be helpful to troubleshoot any issues with regard to server performance. NOTE: If you wish to allow REDCap administrators to be able to 'kill' any MySQL queries that appear on this page, then someone with back-end access must execute the following query in the MySQL database where the REDCap tables are stored:
UPDATE redcap_config SET value = '1' WHERE field_name = 'allow_kill_mysql_process';

Are you absolutely sure you wish to kill MySQL Process ID ?
Doing so will prevent the query from completing, as well as other queries to be executed in the same script. Are you sure?
Database Activity Monitor

Show full queries
Time:12/19/2024 09:11:20
Total Processes:0
Process ID
Process ID
REDCap Project ID, User, and URL Script Time
Query Time
Query State Query
No Activity