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Field Validation Types

REDCap has a variety of different types of field validation that users may utilize within their projects to ensure good data quality. The table below will allow you to enable or disable any of the field validation types that come pre-packaged in your current version of REDCap. Once a validation type has been enabled, it will then be displayed in the Validation drop-down list in the Online Designer (inside the Add/Edit Field pop-up window). If not enabled, then it will stay hidden as an option. Listed below are all the available field validation types. The label for each is seen in bold, while the unique validation name that is used in the Data Dictionary can be found immediately below it in parentheses.

If any validation types are used for fields in a project and then are later disabled here by a REDCap administrator, they will still function properly in all projects utilizing them. NOTE: While only the ones enabled below will be displayed as an option in the Online Designer, every validation type listed below is accessible and able to be utilized in a Data Dictionary that is uploaded (i.e. all disabled validation types will function as an 'Easter Egg' option).

Validation Types Currently Available for Use in All Projects
Code Postal 5 caracteres (France)
Date (D-M-Y)
Date (M-D-Y)
Date (Y-M-D)
Datetime (D-M-Y H:M)
Datetime (M-D-Y H:M)
Datetime (Y-M-D H:M)
Datetime w/ seconds (D-M-Y H:M:S)
Datetime w/ seconds (M-D-Y H:M:S)
Datetime w/ seconds (Y-M-D H:M:S)
Letters only
MRN (10 digits)
MRN (generic)
Number (1 decimal place - comma as decimal)
Number (1 decimal place)
Number (2 decimal places - comma as decimal)
Number (2 decimal places)
Number (3 decimal places - comma as decimal)
Number (3 decimal places)
Number (4 decimal places - comma as decimal)
Number (4 decimal places)
Number (comma as decimal)
Phone (Australia)
Phone (France) (xx xx xx xx xx)(+33 x xx xx xx xx)
Phone (North America)
Phone (UK)
Postal Code (Australia)
Postal Code (Canada)
Postal Code (Germany)
Postal Code (UK)
Social Security Number (U.S.)
Time (HH:MM:SS)
Time (HH:MM)
Time (MM:SS)
Vanderbilt MRN
Zipcode (U.S.)