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Server info: REDCap 14.9.1 · PHP 8.0.30 (Linux/Unix OS) · MySQL 8.0.35

If there are any important notifications to show to REDCap administrators, they will appear here on this page.

New REDCap versions are available for upgrade View
Using valid REDCap Community credentials, REDCap v will be downloaded automatically, and the upgrade process will begin immediately thereafter. If for some reason the upgrade process is not able to be completed automatically, it will notify you about how to finish the upgrade manually.
You must provide a valid username/password that you (or someone on your REDCap team) uses to login to the REDCap Community website. (If credentials were used previously, they will be pre-filled below.)
REDCap Community username: 
REDCap Community password:  
NOTICE: The Easy Upgrade feature cannot be used if the REDCap web server is using load balancing (multiple application servers). This is because the source code would only get downloaded to a single server (rather than to all of them) during the upgrade process.
NOTICE: Authentication is not enabled!
Please note that authentication has not yet been enabled for this installation of REDCap. This means that no login screen will appear when accessing REDCap, and all users will be given the default username 'site_admin'. You can set the authentication method on the Security & Authentication page. However, first you may want to read an overview on the REDCap Community website of all the steps required when changing your authentication method for REDCap (see link below).

How to change your authentication method

Reporting Your Stats

Help support REDCap by reporting your REDCap stats to the consortium, preferably on a weekly basis. You can set your stats to be sent automatically once per week by setting it on the Control Center's General Configuration page. Your participation helps promote the longevity of REDCap and the consortium.

Your stats were last reported on 12/12/2024
Your current method for sending REDCap stats is Automatic    (What stats are sent?)
Use alternative reporting method (if above does not work)
Other useful info:
Date of last REDCap upgrade: 12/11/2024
REDCap server's current time: 12/19/2024 8:47am (UTC timezone)
Your browser's current time:
Path to web server's PHP.INI configuration file:/etc/php.ini
Path to web server's PHP error log file:/var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log