REDCap API Documentation
Export Reports
This method allows you to export the data set of a report created on a project's 'Data Exports, Reports, and Stats' page.
Note about export rights: Please be aware that Data Export user rights will be applied to this API request. For example, if you have 'No Access' data export rights in the project, then the API report export will fail and return an error. And if you have 'De-Identified' or 'Remove All Identifier Fields' data export rights, then some data fields *might* be removed and filtered out of the data set returned from the API. To make sure that no data is unnecessarily filtered out of your API request, you should have 'Full Data Set' export rights in the project.
Also, please note the the 'Export Reports' method does *not* make use of the 'type' (flat/eav) parameter, which can be used in the 'Export Records' method. All data for the 'Export Reports' method is thus exported in flat format. If the 'type' parameter is supplied in the API request, it will be ignored.
To use this method, you must have API Export privileges in the project.
The API token specific to your REDCap project and username (each token is unique to each user for each project). See the section on the left-hand menu for obtaining a token for a given project.
the report ID number provided next to the report name on the report list page
csv, json, xml [default], odm ('odm' refers to CDISC ODM XML format, specifically ODM version 1.3.1)
csv, json, xml - specifies the format of error messages. If you do not pass in this flag, it will select the default format for you passed based on the 'format' flag you passed in or if no format flag was passed in, it will default to 'xml'.
NOTE: Does not apply when importing as a background process (i.e., backgroundProcess=true). When using a background process, success:true (upon success) or success:false (upon failure) will be returned in the appropriate format (csv, json, xml).
raw [default], label - export the raw coded values or labels for the options of multiple choice fields
raw [default], label - (for 'csv' format 'flat' type only) for the CSV headers, export the variable/field names (raw) or the field labels (label)
true, false [default] - specifies the format of checkbox field values specifically when exporting the data as labels (i.e., when rawOrLabel=label). When exporting labels, by default (without providing the exportCheckboxLabel flag or if exportCheckboxLabel=false), all checkboxes will either have a value 'Checked' if they are checked or 'Unchecked' if not checked. But if exportCheckboxLabel is set to true, it will instead export the checkbox value as the checkbox option's label (e.g., 'Choice 1') if checked or it will be blank/empty (no value) if not checked. If rawOrLabel=false, then the exportCheckboxLabel flag is ignored.
Set the delimiter used to separate values in the CSV data file (for CSV format only). Options include: comma ',' (default), 'tab', semi-colon ';', pipe '|', or caret '^'. Simply provide the value in quotes for this parameter.
If specified, force all numbers into same decimal format. You may choose to force all data values containing a decimal to have the same decimal character, which will be applied to all calc fields and number-validated text fields. Options include comma ',' or dot/full stop '.', but if left blank/null, then it will export numbers using the fields' native decimal format. Simply provide the value of either ',' or '.' for this parameter.
ReturnsData from the project in the format and type specified ordered by the record (primary key of project) and then by event id