REDCap API Documentation
Export Project Information
This method allows you to export some of the basic attributes of a given REDCap project, such as the project's title, if it is longitudinal, if surveys are enabled, the time the project was created and moved to production, etc.
To use this method, you must have API Export privileges in the project.
The API token specific to your REDCap project and username (each token is unique to each user for each project). See the section on the left-hand menu for obtaining a token for a given project.
csv, json, xml [default]
csv, json, xml - specifies the format of error messages. If you do not pass in this flag, it will select the default format for you passed based on the 'format' flag you passed in or if no format flag was passed in, it will default to 'xml'.
NOTE: Does not apply when importing as a background process (i.e., backgroundProcess=true). When using a background process, success:true (upon success) or success:false (upon failure) will be returned in the appropriate format (csv, json, xml).
Attributes for the project in the format specified. For any values that are boolean, they will be represented as either a '0' (no/false) or '1' (yes/true). Also, all date/time values will be returned in Y-M-D H:M:S format. The following attributes will be returned:
project_id, project_title, creation_time, production_time, in_production, project_language, purpose, purpose_other, project_notes, custom_record_label, secondary_unique_field, is_longitudinal, has_repeating_instruments_or_events, surveys_enabled, scheduling_enabled, record_autonumbering_enabled, randomization_enabled, ddp_enabled, project_irb_number, project_grant_number, project_pi_firstname, project_pi_lastname, display_today_now_button, missing_data_codes, external_modules, bypass_branching_erase_field_prompt