The variables below are accessible in the global scope.
config_settings_key |
gjW@zpwqV29^oghovHWtkwK2Z6^%Vyq!jLe4LsmHjkfENI*VgcVQ4YUrw8A.9Kgi |
aafAccessUrl |
aafAllowLocalsCreateDB |
aafAud |
aafDisplayOnEmailUsers |
aafIss |
aafPrimaryField |
aafScopeTarget |
admin_email_external_user_creation |
0 |
alerts_allow_email_freeform |
1 |
alerts_allow_email_variables |
1 |
alerts_allow_phone_freeform |
1 |
alerts_allow_phone_variables |
1 |
alerts_email_freeform_domain_allowlist |
allow_auto_variable_naming |
2 |
allow_create_db_default |
1 |
allow_kill_mysql_process |
0 |
allow_outbound_http |
1 |
amazon_s3_bucket |
amazon_s3_endpoint |
amazon_s3_endpoint_url |
amazon_s3_key |
amazon_s3_secret |
api_enabled |
1 |
api_token_request_type |
admin_approve |
auth_meth_global |
none |
auto_prod_changes |
4 |
auto_prod_changes_check_identifiers |
0 |
auto_report_stats |
1 |
auto_report_stats_last_sent |
2024-12-12 |
autologout_timer |
30 |
aws_quickstart |
0 |
azure_app_name |
azure_app_secret |
azure_comm_api_endpoint |
azure_comm_api_key |
azure_container |
azure_quickstart |
0 |
bioportal_api_token |
bioportal_api_url | |
bioportal_ontology_list |
bioportal_ontology_list_cache_time |
bulk_record_delete_enable_global |
1 |
cache_files_filesystem_path |
cache_storage_system |
file |
calendar_feed_enabled_global |
1 |
certify_text_create |
certify_text_prod |
clickjacking_prevention |
0 |
contact_admin_button_url |
cron_job_php_ini_file |
/etc/php.ini |
cross_domain_access_control |
data_entry_trigger_enabled |
1 |
database_query_tool_enabled |
1 |
db_binlog_format |
db_character_set |
utf8mb4 |
db_collation |
utf8mb4_unicode_ci |
default_csv_delimiter |
default_datetime_format |
M.D.Y_24 |
default_number_format_decimal |
. |
default_number_format_thousands_sep |
, |
disable_strict_transport_security_header |
0 |
display_inline_pdf_in_pdf |
1 |
display_project_xml_backup_option |
1 |
dkim_private_key |
drw_upload_option_enabled |
1 |
dts_enabled_global |
0 |
edoc_field_option_enabled |
1 |
edoc_storage_option |
0 |
email_domain_allowlist |
email_logging_enable_global |
1 |
email_logging_install_time |
2024-12-11 00:04:56 |
enable_edit_prod_events |
1 |
enable_edit_prod_repeating_setup |
1 |
enable_edit_survey_response |
1 |
enable_field_attachment_video_url |
1 |
enable_http_compression |
1 |
enable_ontology_auto_suggest |
1 |
enable_plotting |
2 |
enable_plotting_survey_results |
1 |
enable_projecttype_forms |
1 |
enable_projecttype_singlesurvey |
1 |
enable_projecttype_singlesurveyforms |
1 |
enable_survey_text_to_speech |
1 |
enable_url_shortener |
1 |
enable_url_shortener_redcap |
1 |
enable_user_allowlist |
0 |
esignature_enabled_global |
1 |
external_module_alt_paths |
external_modules_allow_activation_user_request |
1 |
external_modules_project_custom_text |
external_modules_unsafe_edoc_references_checked |
1 |
external_modules_updates_available |
[] |
external_modules_updates_available_last_check |
2024-12-19 11:20:02 |
fhir_break_the_glass_department_type |
fhir_break_the_glass_ehr_usertype |
SystemLogin |
fhir_break_the_glass_enabled |
fhir_break_the_glass_patient_type |
fhir_break_the_glass_token_password |
fhir_break_the_glass_token_username |
fhir_break_the_glass_token_usertype |
fhir_break_the_glass_username_token_base_url |
fhir_cdp_allow_auto_adjudication |
1 |
fhir_convert_timestamp_from_gmt |
0 |
fhir_custom_mapping_file_id |
fhir_custom_text |
fhir_data_fetch_interval |
24 |
fhir_data_mart_create_project |
0 |
fhir_ddp_enabled |
0 |
fhir_display_info_project_setup |
1 |
fhir_include_email_address |
0 |
fhir_standalone_authentication_flow |
standalone_launch |
fhir_stop_fetch_inactivity_days |
7 |
fhir_url_user_access |
fhir_user_rights_super_users_only |
1 |
field_bank_enabled |
1 |
field_comment_log_enabled_default |
1 |
fieldbank_nih_cde_key |
1801e2fb-f235-4eb3-b71c-345063c6c91e |
file_repository_allow_public_link |
1 |
file_repository_enabled |
1 |
file_repository_upload_max |
file_upload_vault_filesystem_authtype |
file_upload_vault_filesystem_container |
file_upload_vault_filesystem_host |
file_upload_vault_filesystem_password |
file_upload_vault_filesystem_path |
file_upload_vault_filesystem_private_key_path |
file_upload_vault_filesystem_type |
file_upload_vault_filesystem_username |
file_upload_versioning_global_enabled |
1 |
footer_links |
footer_text |
from_email |
from_email_domain_exclude |
google_cloud_storage_api_bucket_name |
google_cloud_storage_api_project_id |
google_cloud_storage_api_service_account |
google_cloud_storage_api_use_project_subfolder |
1 |
google_cloud_storage_edocs_bucket |
google_cloud_storage_temp_bucket |
google_oauth2_client_id |
google_oauth2_client_secret |
google_recaptcha_default |
0 |
google_recaptcha_secret_key |
google_recaptcha_site_key |
google_translate_enabled |
0 |
googlemap_key |
helpfaq_custom_text |
homepage_announcement |
homepage_announcement_login |
1 |
homepage_contact |
REDCap Administrator |
homepage_contact_email | |
homepage_contact_url |
homepage_custom_text |
homepage_grant_cite |
hook_functions_file |
/var/www/html/redcap/hook_functions.php |
identifier_keywords |
name, street, address, city, county, precinct, zip, postal, date, phone, fax, mail, ssn, social security, mrn, dob, dod, medical, record, id, age |
is_development_server |
0 |
language_global |
English |
local_storage_use_project_subfolder |
1 |
login_autocomplete_disable |
0 |
login_custom_text |
login_logo |
logout_fail_limit |
5 |
logout_fail_window |
15 |
mailgun_api_endpoint |
mailgun_api_key |
mailgun_domain_name |
mandrill_api_key |
mobile_app_enabled |
1 |
mosio_display_info_project_setup |
0 |
mosio_enabled_by_super_users_only |
0 |
mosio_enabled_global |
1 |
mtb_enabled |
1 |
mtb_experimental_enabled |
0 |
my_profile_enable_edit |
1 |
my_profile_enable_primary_email_edit |
1 |
mycap_enable_type |
admin |
mycap_enabled_global |
1 |
new_form_default_prod_user_access |
1 |
oauth2_azure_ad_client_id |
oauth2_azure_ad_client_secret |
oauth2_azure_ad_endpoint_version |
V1 |
oauth2_azure_ad_name |
oauth2_azure_ad_primary_admin |
oauth2_azure_ad_secondary_admin |
oauth2_azure_ad_tenant |
common |
oauth2_azure_ad_username_attribute |
userPrincipalName |
openid_connect_additional_scope |
openid_connect_client_id |
openid_connect_client_secret |
openid_connect_logout |
openid_connect_metadata_url |
openid_connect_name |
openid_connect_primary_admin |
openid_connect_provider_url |
openid_connect_response_type |
query |
openid_connect_secondary_admin |
openid_connect_username_attribute |
username |
openid_provider_name |
openid_provider_url |
override_system_bundle_ca |
1 |
page_hit_threshold_per_minute |
600 |
password_algo |
sha512 |
password_complexity |
1 |
password_history_limit |
0 |
password_length |
9 |
password_recovery_custom_text |
password_reset_duration |
0 |
pdf_econsent_filesystem_authtype |
pdf_econsent_filesystem_container |
pdf_econsent_filesystem_host |
pdf_econsent_filesystem_password |
pdf_econsent_filesystem_path |
pdf_econsent_filesystem_private_key_path |
pdf_econsent_filesystem_type |
pdf_econsent_filesystem_username |
pdf_econsent_system_custom_text |
pdf_econsent_system_enabled |
1 |
pdf_econsent_system_ip |
1 |
project_dashboard_allow_public |
1 |
promis_api_base_url | |
promis_enabled |
1 |
promis_registration_id |
promis_token |
protected_email_mode_global |
1 |
proxy_hostname |
proxy_username_password |
pub_matching_email_days |
7 |
pub_matching_email_limit |
3 |
pub_matching_email_subject |
pub_matching_email_text |
pub_matching_emails |
0 |
pub_matching_enabled |
0 |
pub_matching_institution |
Meharry |
randomization_global |
1 |
rate_limiter_ip_range |
read_replica_enable |
0 |
realtime_webservice_convert_timestamp_from_gmt |
0 |
realtime_webservice_custom_text |
realtime_webservice_data_fetch_interval |
24 |
realtime_webservice_display_info_project_setup |
1 |
realtime_webservice_global_enabled |
0 |
realtime_webservice_source_system_custom_name |
realtime_webservice_stop_fetch_inactivity_days |
7 |
realtime_webservice_url_data |
realtime_webservice_url_metadata |
realtime_webservice_url_user_access |
realtime_webservice_user_rights_super_users_only |
1 |
record_locking_pdf_vault_filesystem_authtype |
record_locking_pdf_vault_filesystem_container |
record_locking_pdf_vault_filesystem_host |
record_locking_pdf_vault_filesystem_password |
record_locking_pdf_vault_filesystem_path |
record_locking_pdf_vault_filesystem_private_key_path |
record_locking_pdf_vault_filesystem_type |
record_locking_pdf_vault_filesystem_username |
redcap_base_url | |
redcap_base_url_display_error_on_mismatch |
1 |
redcap_last_install_date |
2024-12-11 |
redcap_survey_base_url |
redcap_updates_available |
"lts": [],
"std": [
"version_number": "14.9.2",
"release_date": "2024-12-12",
"release_notes": "Bug fixes + minor improvements"
"current_branch": "std",
"latest_version": "14.9.2"
} |
redcap_updates_available_last_check |
2024-12-19 11:20:02 |
redcap_updates_community_password |
redcap_updates_community_user |
redcap_updates_password |
redcap_updates_password_encrypted |
1 |
redcap_updates_user |
redcap_version |
14.9.1 |
report_stats_url |,0,0,0&num_inactive=0&num_users=1&auth_meth=none&version=14.9.1&activeusers1m=1&activeusers6m=1&activeuserstotal=1&usersloggedin1m=1&usersloggedin6m=1&usersloggedintotal=1&hostlabel=HHS&homepage_contact=REDCap+Administrator& |
reports_allow_public |
1 |
restricted_upload_file_types |
ade, adp, apk, appx, appxbundle, bat, cab, chm, cmd, com, cpl, diagcab, diagcfg, diagpack, dll, dmg, ex, exe, hta, img, ins, iso, isp, jar, jnlp, js, jse, lib, lnk, mde, msc, msi, msix, msixbundle, msp, mst, nsh, php, pif, ps1, scr, sct, shb, sys, vb, vbe, vbs, vhd, vxd, wsc, wsf, wsh, xll |
rich_text_attachment_embed_enabled |
1 |
rich_text_image_embed_enabled |
1 |
sams_logout |
send_emails_admin_tasks |
1 |
sendgrid_api_key |
sendgrid_display_info_project_setup |
0 |
sendgrid_enabled_by_super_users_only |
0 |
sendgrid_enabled_global |
1 |
sendit_enabled |
1 |
sendit_upload_max |
shibboleth_logout |
shibboleth_override_userinfo |
0 |
shibboleth_set_userinfo |
0 |
shibboleth_table_config |
{"splash_default":"non-inst-login","table_login_option":"Use local REDCap login","institutions":[{"login_option":"Shibboleth Login","login_text":"Click the image below to login using Shibboleth","login_image":"","login_url":""}]} |
shibboleth_user_email_field |
shibboleth_user_firstname_field |
shibboleth_user_lastname_field |
shibboleth_username_field |
none |
superusers_only_create_project |
1 |
superusers_only_move_to_prod |
1 |
survey_pid_create_project |
survey_pid_mark_completed |
survey_pid_move_to_analysis_status |
survey_pid_move_to_prod_status |
suspend_users_inactive_days |
180 |
suspend_users_inactive_send_email |
1 |
suspend_users_inactive_type |
system_offline |
0 |
system_offline_message |
temp_files_last_delete |
2024-12-19 12:02:02 |
test_email_address | |
total_cron_instances_max |
20 |
twilio_display_info_project_setup |
0 |
twilio_enabled_by_super_users_only |
0 |
twilio_enabled_global |
1 |
two_factor_auth_authenticator_enabled |
1 |
two_factor_auth_duo_enabled |
0 |
two_factor_auth_duo_hostname |
two_factor_auth_duo_ikey |
two_factor_auth_duo_skey |
two_factor_auth_email_enabled |
1 |
two_factor_auth_enabled |
0 |
two_factor_auth_enforce_table_users_only |
0 |
two_factor_auth_esign_pin |
0 |
two_factor_auth_ip_check_enabled |
0 |
two_factor_auth_ip_range |
two_factor_auth_ip_range_alt |
two_factor_auth_ip_range_include_private |
0 |
two_factor_auth_trust_period_days |
0 |
two_factor_auth_trust_period_days_alt |
0 |
two_factor_auth_twilio_account_sid |
two_factor_auth_twilio_auth_token |
two_factor_auth_twilio_enabled |
0 |
two_factor_auth_twilio_from_number |
two_factor_auth_twilio_from_number_voice_alt |
use_email_display_name |
1 |
user_access_dashboard_custom_notification |
user_access_dashboard_enable |
1 |
user_custom_expiration_message |
user_messaging_enabled |
1 |
user_messaging_prevent_admin_messaging |
0 |
user_sponsor_dashboard_enable |
1 |
user_sponsor_set_expiration_days |
365 |
user_welcome_email_external_user_creation |
0 |
user_with_sponsor_custom_expiration_message |